Written by Jen Lynn Bailey
Illustrated by Maggie Zeng
Pajama Press
32 pp.
Ages 5-8
March 2022
While many cumulative tales, those in which the story starts with one person or thing and continues to add new elements while repeating those already introduced, are often humourous and can lead to the absurd, This is the Boat that Ben Built actually has a sense of calm about it. OK, there is a little bit of the silly, but only enough to provide a giggle and a smile to the relaxing atmosphere of a child on a northern Canadian river amidst a plethora of land, water and sky creatures.
From This is the Boat that Ben Built by Jen Lynn Bailey, illus. by Maggie Zeng
Under the watchful eye of his life-vested mother and dog on shore, Ben heads out in his boat
Explorer on a peaceful river. He's well prepared with his binoculars, fishing gear, and investigative tools like a journal, magnifying glass and jars.
From This is the Boat that Ben Built by Jen Lynn Bailey, illus. by Maggie Zeng |
From This is the boat that Ben built, the reader progresses with the young boy to the river (This is the river that carries the boat that Ben built), to the fish that swim in the river, the beaver that builds there, the loon that floats, a goose that grins, a black bear, a moose, a heron and owl. And then there's mayhem!
From This is the Boat that Ben Built by Jen Lynn Bailey, illus. by Maggie Zeng |
This is the Boat that Ben Built ends as calmly as it started, though Ben has added some travellers to his boat, and all young readers will be both entertained and educated as the repetitive text moves the story from tranquility to tumult and back to balance. By wrapping her lessons on the fauna of the northern river ecosystem in the humour of a goofy story of animals in a wild chain reaction, author Jen Lynn Bailey is providing valuable STEM lessons for young children and amusing them with the antics on the river. So, for teachers who need to introduce their students to the interrelationships of living things or those who want to blend some science into their reading programs–cumulative, repetitive stories are fabulous for growing readers–This is the Boat that Ben Built ticks all the boxes.
Of course, Maggie Zeng's artwork just adds to both the calmness and the sweetness of the story. Another illustrator might have leaned to the silly but Maggie Zeng keeps with the naturalness of a river ecosystem, giving the animals, the people and the landscape all identifiable attributes but with a softness that comes of awareness of audience and message. The river alone, whether of the turquoise green or yellow-green of sediment rich waters, is as easy moving as the story, carrying Ben and his boat as it does young readers.
From This is the Boat that Ben Built by Jen Lynn Bailey, illus. by Maggie Zeng |
This is the Boat that Ben Built is a tale of discovery and appreciation for a natural ecosystem but
Jen Lynn Bailey and
Maggie Zeng do well to tie it to a bit of silliness that will have kids laughing as they learn.
To learn more about
This is the Boat that Ben Built, check out its upcoming virtual book launch, free to all ages, with author
Jen Lynn Bailey and illustrator
Maggie Zeng on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 from 7- 8 PM EST. Registration for this event can be accessed at