September 05, 2024

The Case of the Noisy Neighbor (A Gumboot Kids Nature Mystery)

by Eric Hogan and Tara Hungerford (Gumboot Kids Media)
Firefly Books
32 pp.
Ages 3-8
September 2024
It's spring in Dandelion Town when Scout hears a knocking at his house. But when he opens the door, there's no one there. When it repeats and still no caller, Scout is perplexed. He sees Daisy outside and when she tells him she heard something similar in the forest, the two friends know they have a new nature mystery on hand. And what do you do when you have a mystery? You investigate!
From The Case of the Noisy Neighbor by Eric Hogan and Tara Hungerford
Using Daisy's field notes to help them organize the evidence, the two friends head into the forest and look at additional clues of a tree trunk and a hole in a trunk before they spot a bird emerging and banging away. A trip to the library helps them identify the bird as a woodpecker.
From The Case of the Noisy Neighbor by Eric Hogan and Tara Hungerford
Though a simple story of figuring out who is making all the noise, The Case of the Noisy Neighbor is a far more important story about being mindful of one's surroundings by listening and seeing. Daisy and Scout are always present while they enjoy time together in nature and because of that they appreciate all the elements of the natural world to which they are exposed. While it is extraordinary that the woodpecker they see is a Pileated Woodpecker–one which many people will never see as it is far less common than Downy or Hairy Woodpeckers–it is striking in its appearance and the volume of its pecking is certainly noteworthy. The observations that Daisy makes in her field notes, which always append the Gumboots Kids' story, reveal much to feed inquiry in STEM education. And if that's not enough educational value, authors Eric Hogan and Tara Hungerford, the creators of the Gumboot Kids series, also provide a fun nature craft for very young children that extends their learning. (In The Case of the Noisy Neighbor, the craft is a tin can drum.)
From The Case of the Noisy Neighbor by Eric Hogan and Tara Hungerford
The Gumboot Kids Nature Mystery series, as well as the Gumboot Kids series, speaks to the wonders of the natural world and provide easy access to learning about everything from woodpeckers and oceans to spiders and bees. With charming felted characters set in a variety of settings, both in and outdoors, Eric Hogan and Tara Hungerford merge young children's love of stuffies–FYI stuffies of Daisy and Scout are available–and early STEM concepts. The context is delightful and the learning happens organically. Not surprising that the Gumboot Kids have been ever so popular.
By my count, The Case of the Noisy Neighbor is the tenth volume in the Gumboot Kids Nature Mystery series and, with a wide world of science and learning that can happen, Eric Hogan and Tara Hungerford have many more opportunities to entertain and teach with their friends Scout and Daisy.

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Gumboot Kids Nature Mystery series
The Case of the Vanishing Caterpillar (2019)
The Case of the Story Rock (2019)
The Case of the Wooden Timekeeper (2019)
The Case of the Growing Bird Feeder (2019)
The Case of the Singing Ocean (2020)
The Case of the Buzzing Honey Makers (2020)
The Case of the Shrinking Friend (2021)
The Case of the Hanging Food Catcher (2021) 
The Case of the Disappearing Castle (2024) 
The Case of the Noisy Neighbor (2024)

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