Half World, written by Hiromi Goto and illustrated by Jillian Tamaki, is a dark tale of loss and courage (suggestive to me of a contemporary
version of Danté’s Divine Comedy) that
bridges different worlds of the flesh and the spirit. Protagonist Melanie Tamaki is devastated by her mother's death. As expected, her mother leaves the Realm of the Flesh (our world) to enter Half World (a world of suffering and atonement) until she is welcomed into the Realm of the Spirit. But the balance of the three worlds has been destroyed and Melanie, a cumbersome girl, must endure the horrors of Half World to re-establish harmony between worlds.
In Darkest Light (Razorbill, 2012), many years have passed and Melanie's younger brother, Gee, who was not raised with his sister, enters Half World in search of his past. Until I have my copy to review, that's about all I can tell you, so I'll let the book trailer entice you instead.
Uploaded by PenguinCanada to youtube on Feb 8, 2012
Oh wow! That looks amazing. I am not into speculative fiction but I love everything I've read illustrated by Jillian Tamaki so I want to give this a go!