March 07, 2025

Nevin Knows

Written by Mireille Messier
Illustrated by Elena Comte
Orca Book Publishers
32 pp.
Ages 3-5
February 2025 
What does Nevin know? He knows what he wants. 
From Nevin Knows, written by Mireille Messier, illustrated by Elena Comte
Nevin may not have a lot of words in his vocabulary yet–he is but a toddler–but he's pretty clear how to say "No" and "Yes" and he knows when to use them. When he and his Grandpa Frank are getting ready to visit the park, Grandpa Frank asks Nevin what he wants to wear. He gives his grandson choices, some of which are quite silly, and Nevin makes it clear which is the best choice for him. He may not realize it, but Grandpa Frank is giving the child the opportunity to be part of the process rather than just making him do what his caregivers are going to do anyways. (The sneakers were always the best choice, as was the ball cap.)
From Nevin Knows, written by Mireille Messier, illustrated by Elena Comte
Even as they start heading out, Grandpa Frank asks Nevin which way to go. (I'm sure Grandpa Frank knows but by giving Nevin the opportunity to voice his choices, the child is amused and given power.)
From Nevin Knows, written by Mireille Messier, illustrated by Elena Comte
Nevin knows his favourite places to play and how much he likes greeting the birds and a dog, and even which flowers to pick for Nana. (Thankfully he doesn't want the planted flowers but rather the dandelions.)
From Nevin Knows, written by Mireille Messier, illustrated by Elena Comte
The whole point of Nevin Knows is how a grandfather allows his grandson to make choices that empower him, even if Grandpa Frank has known all along what they would be doing and where they would be going. It's a kind and compassionate grandparent who can ask rather than always be telling a child what's going to happen. I suspect that even if Nevin chose something inappropriate, Grandpa Frank would turn it around to ensure that it was a good choice but one that Nevin made himself. Mireille Messier, who has written numerous picture books in both English and French (e.g., The Magic Cap, Nutcracker Night, and Fatima and the Clementine Thieves just to name a few), easily gets into the head of a young child and what they want and to thrive, and into the shoes of those fun and kind grandparents who care for their grandchildren without being authoritarian. Mireille Messier demonstrates that young children, even those with limited vocabularies, can share their feelings and needs if there are only those who would ask and listen.
Elena Comte, a Montreal illustrator and nurse, created the artwork for Nevin Knows digitally, emphasizing the shapes and colours that would appeal to very young children. But more than that, she creates scenes that emphasize the elements would be most important to children: dandelions, birds, swings, a playground spring rider, grass, and those they love. 

Both Mireille Messier and Elena Comte make sure that this book truly is about Nevin. There may be caregivers who supervise and protect him, but Nevin is given the capacity to make choices. With that gift of empowerment, even in allowing him to make the simplest of choices, his grandfather bolsters his little grandson and provides him with opportunities for building his confidence and his voice, and for strengthening their relationship. How lovely is that?

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